Doctor's Idea
Items commercialized based on a doctor's idea
Items that contribute to improving surgery and QOL

Weaps is a 3D-compatible head-mounted display that can easily show endoscopic surgery images with as little discomfort as regular eyeglasses. The special display has original settings tailored to individual wearers, which makes them easy to wear and reduces impediments. Rather than covering the entire eye, the viewer is designed to look like a magnifying glass. The world you see through Weaps is the same as that of an endoscopic surgery. If you look away from the viewer, you can hand over devices and otherwise act as you would without the display. It is a head-mounted display for medical use, made by a genuine medical device manufacturer.

SECUREA is a urethane sponge that is mainly used for safe exclusion of obstacles, absorption, and the application of hemostatic materials in endoscopic surgery. Unlike gauze, it has less adhesion to organs and is heat resistant.
The product name is derived from the words "secure" and "area."

SuReFInD has been developed to assist in the precise excision of small-cell lung cancer in pneumonectomy operations. A microscopic IC tag applying radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is placed on the area with cancer via the bronchoscope channel. The positioning of the IC tag is registered along with an ID number using an app. During operation, the IC tag can be detected on the lung surface using a surgical antenna, and this can help surgeons to determine the extent of resection.

Knee Croissant
Knee Croissant is an item developed as a part of measures against knee hemarthrosis and subcutaneous hematoma in Total Knee Arthroplasty surgery.
Bandages and hemostatic agents are used together to control the postoperative swelling of the joint capsule; early transition to rehabilitation leads to improved QOL.

ASRC is a new product designed for the efficient arrangement of sutures when performing knotted sutures during inosculations and choledochojejunostomy.
ASRC takes its name from the first letters of the phrase: “arc-type suture-thread rearranging container."