Introduction of Customer Initiatives and Information on Healthcare Policy

A medical magazine focusing on healthcare safety

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Vol.11 Second half edition Published September 2021 (in Japanese only)

Theme: Specific task-sharing and task-shifting initiatives

Vol.11 First half edition Published April 2021 (in Japanese only)

Theme: Post-COVID hospital management considerations

Vol.10 Published February 2020 (in Japanese only)

Theme: Workstyle Reform Special 2 - Safety-conscious workstyle reform


Number of issues English Ver. Publication Theme
Vol.9 - August 2019 Workstyle Reform Special 1 - Elimination of early arrival and overtime work
Vol.8 abstract of Vol.7&8 February 2019 Considering patient-centered medical care
Vol.7 abstract of Vol.7&8 August 2018 Joint research with Juntendo University, remanufactured single-use devices (R-SUD)
PREMIUM KIT Special Edition June 2018 Special feature on case studies of improvements at medical institutions that adopted Premium Surgical Kit
Vol.6 March 2018 Improvements in operating rooms, being able to open the Premium Surgical Kit immediately before surgery after the patient comes into the room, medical innovation
Vol.5 October 2017 Surgical efficiency and safe opening (opening the Premium Surgical Kit immediately before surgery)
Vol.4 February 2017 New technology development, team medicine and comprehensive community care
Vol.3 October 2016 Robot-assisted surgery and a case study of management improvement
Vol.2 July 2016 Promoting advanced medical treatment and Smart Cyber Operating Theater (SCOT)
Inaugural Issue May 2016 Future hospital management

Healthcare-related Information

The OPERATimes contains pages with excerpts from "Key Points of Medical Policy" and "Healthcare-related information." Please click on the link below to view them.(in Japanese Only)

Hospital management

Excerpt from OPERATimes Vol.11 First half edition, published in April 2021

Polarization of hospital management due to COVID-19: What we need to consider now

The national government's healthcare policy has a long-term direction that includes the regional healthcare concept and the promotion of workstyle innovation. In this context, the outbreak of COVID-19 has posted unprecedented challenges for hospital management. We will consider how hospitals should prepare now for the post-COVID era.

Medical service fee

Excerpt from OPERATimes Vol.10, published in February 2020

Positioning of medical service fee revision in FY2020 and its impact on hospitals (importance in the big picture of the revision)

As of January 17, 2020, we are only three months away from the medical service fee revision in FY2020. What do you think about how this medical service fee revision is positioned?
The medical service fee revision in FY2018 was a simultaneous revision of medical and long-term care service fees that was compared to a planetary alignment and drew a great deal of attention on the reform of the medical and long-term care system that will be in place by 2025. Those that expected a drastic change might be relieved to know that the impact was not as big as expected. However, the reforms have just begun and will slowly start to majorly affect hospital management.
In this issue, titled "Positioning of the medical service fee revision in FY2020 and its impact on hospital management," we will explore the meaning of this revision and how it will affect the management of hospitals.

Medical service fee

Excerpt from OPERATimes Vol.8, published in February 2019

Examining the aftermath of the simultaneous revisions of FY2018

It will be soon to be one year since the FY2018 revisions. The simultaneous revisions of medical and long-term care service fees attracted a great deal of attention and was compared to a planetary alignment, in preparation for the reform of the medical and long-term care system that will be in place by 2025. After a year has passed since the revision, we examined the impact of the revision by taking a closer look at changes in patient flows regionally.


Excerpt from OPERATimes Vol.7, published in August 2018

Cost reduction through the efficient use of medical resources: Promoting R-SUD

HOGY Medical has been proposing and contributing to the improvement of efficiency in hospital management through OPERA MASTER, its system that supports operating room management. In order to further extend improvements from the operating room to hospital management as a whole, we are working on R-SUD. Here, what R-SUD is and how it can generate profits in hospital management will be explained.

Medical service fee

Excerpt from OPERATimes Vol.6, published in March 2018

Reading the medical service fee revision in FY2018 so as to examine the business strategy (acute care)

As of the time of writing (February 5, 2018), the overall picture of the medical service fee revision in FY2018 is finally becoming clearer. By the time this manuscript is circulated, individual revision items will be issued and a report answering questions will be available. We would like to leave the details of each item to be revised to the report and would rather focus on summarizing the key points of the revision of medical service fees based on the "Summary of discussions up to now (Draft)" by the Central Social Insurance Medical Council on January 12, 2018, which can be found here.

Community health care vision

Excerpt from OPERATimes Vol.5, published in October 2017

Concept and practice of reorganizing hospital wards within community-based integrated care system

It is said that the next year's simultaneous revision of medical and long-term care service fees will be one of the milestones toward the reform of the medical and long-term care system in 2025. The interim summary of the results of the study for the medical service fee revision was already presented, and the discussion will be moved into full swing toward the end of the year (as of writing). Under such circumstances, hospitals are being required to foresee the policy direction and to find out how to make their own hospitals meaningful within the community-based integrated care system. In this issue, we would like to focus on the reorganization of wards in acute care hospitals and discuss the concept and practice of such reorganization.

Community health care vision

Excerpt from OPERATimes Vol.4, published in February 2017

Business strategies for acute-care hospitals within the community-based integrated care system

This issue highlights and summarizes the role of acute-care hospitals as regional healthcare shifts from collaboration to integration.

Medical service fee

Excerpt from OPERATimes Vol.3, published in October 2016

Implication of medical service fee revision in FY2016: Impact on DPC hospitals

This issue focuses on the key point of the medical service fee revision as revealed through inpatient care.

Medical service fee

Excerpt from OPERATimes Vol.2, published in July 2016

The concept of ward conversion in light of the medical service fee revision in FY2016

This issue focuses on the ward conversion that hospitals are being forced to make as a result of the medical service fee revision.

Medical service fee

Excerpt from OPERATimes, published in May 2016

Medical service fee revision in FY2016: Inpatient care evaluated according to medical functions

This issue focuses on acute-care hospitals and introduces the key points of the medical service fee revision in FY2016.